Using Zam Zam water for bathing in


Question: Is it permissible to use Zam Zam water for cooking or bathing in following a major ritual impurity (janaabah)?

Response: [Zam Zam] water is respected; it is [to be used] for drinking and wudhoo in general. As for using it to bathe in following a major ritual impurity and the like, then this is not befitting. [Zam Zam] is water that is highly respected, and should be used for drinking, and it is best that it not be used to bathe in following a major ritual impurity and the like.

He is a graduate of the Islaamic University of Madeenah, having graduated from the Institute of Arabic Language, and later the Faculty of Sharee'ah in 2004. He currently resides in Birmingham, UK.

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