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Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan said:
Take care of your children.
Your profitable ‘trade’ [with Allaah] is undoubtedly your children.
If you nurture them [well], and [with] good guidance for them, then they are your real ‘trade’ with Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala).
And they are the ones who [will] pray for you after your death, and they are the ones who [will] succeed you in your family and your wealth.
So if you nurture them properly and guide them, they [will] become the best successors to the best predecessors (you).
But if you neglect them, they [will] become a source of anguish and regret for you, both in life and in death.
So fear Allaah – [O] servants of Allaah – regarding your children.
Fulfil the duty that Allaah has entrusted you with, otherwise Allaah will ask you about it on the Day of Resurrection.
[The Prophet ﷺ said]:
«Every one of you is a shepherd, and every one of you is responsible for his flock» – Saheeh al-Bukhaaree no.7138 and Saheeh Muslim no.1829
Translation originally published on 8 January, 2025