قال الحسن: الغيبة ثلاثة أوجه كلها فى كتاب الله: الغيبة، والإفك، والبهتان.
(1) فأما الغيبة: فهى أن تقول فى أخيك ما هو فيه.
(2) وأما الإفك: فأن تقول فيه ما بلغك عنه.
(3) وأما البهتان: فأن تقول فيه ما ليس فيه.
ولا خلاف بين العلماء فى أن الغيبة من الكبائر.
«تفسير المراغي»— أ.د. عاصم القريوتي Prof Dr Alqaryooti (@alqaryooti) November 26, 2022
Tafseer al-Maraaghee
al-Hasan said:
There are three aspects of backbiting, all of which are [mentioned] in the Book of Allaah: backbiting, falsehood, and slander.
1) As for backbiting: it is to say about your [Muslim] brother what [he dislikes, but] is true.
2) As for falsehood: it is to say about him what has been reported to you about him.
3) As for slander: it is to say about him what is not true.
And there is no disagreement between the scholars that [all three aspects of] backbiting is a major sin.