البعد عن حديث النبي ﷺ أصل البلاء!
كان طالب العلم يقرأ الكتب الستة والموطأ ثم يتوسع فيقرأ المسانيد واﻷجزاء..
فتظهر آثار النبوة في علمه وسلوكه وحياته..
واليوم لا يقرأ الطالب سوى بضعة أحاديث من هنا وهناك!!— أ.د. عبدالسميع الأنيس (@anes_dranis) January 14, 2018
Keeping away from the hadeeth of the Prophet ﷺ is the root of tribulation!
[There was a time when] the student of knowledge would read the [collection of] six books of hadeeth, the Muwatta, and then progress to reading the masaaneed and more.
The effects of the Prophet’s ﷺ teachings will then be apparent in his knowledge, his character and his life.
As for today, then all he reads are afew hadeeth from here and there!!