Reference: Madaarij as-Saalikeen – v2, p9 Abu Sulaymaan ad-Daaraanee said about asceticism: It is to leave that which preoccupies you [away] from Allaah.
Tag: zuhd
Everything will come to pass
Asceticism is looking at the world with an eye that [some day] everything will come to pass, and thereby it appears insignificant in your eyes.
Just two or three almonds
[Regarding the Imaam], Abu ‘Abdillaah al-Bukhaaree, a day would come and quite possibly he would not [even] eat a piece of flat bread, and instead sometimes [just] eat two or three almonds.
A daily diet of bread
The diet of al-’Alaa ibn Ziyaad every day was [just] a loaf of bread.
All rights are not reserved
As for his asceticism (zuhd), then it is sufficient to know that all his books which have been printed with his permission are for noble charitable causes.