And when Allaah accepts [a good deed] from His worshipper, He then blesses hm with obedience [to Him], and diverts him [away] from [falling into] sin.
Tag: worship
The best of all acts of worship
Extending prayers and salutations upon the Prophet is the best of [all] acts of worship, because Allaah (Ta’aala) Himself has done so and [so too have] His angels…
The principles of true happiness
The principles upon which true happiness of the worshipper is built are…
What is the cleansing of the worshipper?
Reference: 🔹في الحديث عن نبينا ﷺ قال:" إذا أراد الله بعبد خيراً طهَّره قبل موته، قالوا: وما طُهور العبد؟ قال: عمل صالح يُلهمه إياه حتى يقبضه عليه". #صححه_الألبانيفاللهم اختم لنا بخير طهور، وأحسن عمل.#حسن_الخاتمة#الجمعة — سلطان العيد (@sultanal3eed) March 2, 2018 Authenticated by al-Albaanee The Prophet ﷺ said: «If Allaah wants good for His […]
Knowledge of Allaah and actions for His Sake alone
The pleasure which remains after death, and [that which] benefits in the Hereafter is the pleasure [attained] from knowledge of Allaah and actions for His Sake [alone].
You will not be disappointed
[For] every supplication you make to your Lord, you will not be disappointed…
On the occasion of the middle ten days of Ramadhaan
[O] noble Shaykh, what are your words [of advice] as we welcome the middle ten days of the blessed [month] of Ramadhaan?
Advice to the Muslim woman for Ramadhaan
The Muslim woman generally spends most of her time in the kitchen, busy preparing various types of food, so [as a result] she misses out on taking advantage of the time during the month of Ramadhaan [to increase in the worship of Allaah]. So do you have any advice for the Muslim woman [in this regard]?
From the Mercy of Allaah upon His worshippers
From the Mercy of Allaah upon His worshippers is that a good deed wipes away a bad deed, and a bad deed does not wipe away a good deed.
Seeking aid with khashyah in Allaah
It used to be said the believer has never sought aid in his religion with [anything] like khashyah of Allaah.