From the people are those who preoccupy themselves with the faults of others, and forget their own faults.
Tag: worship
Put an end to the enmity, hatred and malice between yourselves
Indeed the month of Ramadhaan is a month of benefits and [the] plentiful earning [of reward], so take advantage of it with worship…
Golden advice on benefiting from one’s time
By Allaah, were the hearts sound (pure), they would be saddened at missing out [from goodness to be attained]. How many are the hours which pass by us, and we are prevented from benefitting from them?
Seize the opportunity of life, and draw closer to Allaah
So we should take advantage of our life – in obedience to Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala, because life is short, and time is passing [us by]. Time is [but] moments, not days, nor hours. Rather it is moments that pass by quickly.
Using Soorah al-Faatihah as a treatment
If the worshipper became proficient in using [Soorah] al-Faatihah as a treatment…
Illumination for the heart
The darkness of the night is illumination for the heart…
The right of Allaah upon you is greater
Do not look in vain at your hard work [in doing righteous deeds]…
Leave that which preoccupies you away from Allaah
Reference: Madaarij as-Saalikeen – v2, p9 Abu Sulaymaan ad-Daaraanee said about asceticism: It is to leave that which preoccupies you [away] from Allaah.
Taste the sweetness of obedience in worship
[In accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ] it is recommended for the one fasting to eat dates for suhoor and iftaar.
This world is the ‘farm’ of the Hereafter
So if he did not ‘sow’ anything in there for his Hereafter, then he has lost it, and [as a result] he has lost his Hereafter.