Visit our YouTube channel for more Question: Is it permissible for a woman to say to a [Muslim] man “Indeed, I love you for the Sake of Allaah”? Response: No, she mustn’t open this door! Her love is in her heart, [and] she loves every believing man and woman, and every Muslim man and woman. […]
Tag: woman
I am teaching her the Qur.aan
Do not be alone with a woman; even if you were to say: ‘I am teaching her the Qur.aan.’
Strive hard in lowering your gaze
[The need for the] safeguarding of [one’s] eyes is much greater than [the need for the] safeguarding of [one’s] tongue.
Which part of my body should I conceal?
“Reveal that part (portion) of your body which can endure the fire of Hell.”
Beware of leniency in this matter
Is it permissible for me to shake the hand of my wife’s sister, and to be alone with her or other than that? [It’s just] because I know [while I am married to her sister, then] she is prohibited to me.
Merely touching a woman who is permissible for him to marry
He asks about the ruling regarding shaking hands with women, and whether it is prohibited, and whether shaking their hands nullifies the wudhoo?
Advice to the Muslim woman for Ramadhaan
The Muslim woman generally spends most of her time in the kitchen, busy preparing various types of food, so [as a result] she misses out on taking advantage of the time during the month of Ramadhaan [to increase in the worship of Allaah]. So do you have any advice for the Muslim woman [in this regard]?
Protect your womenfolk
Reference: When the woman is corrupted, then society will be corrupted, so fear Allaah with respect to [your duty to your] womenfolk, and leave them to nurture the generations, and protect her – for indeed she is like a glass bottle – very easily broken! He ﷺ said: «I have not left behind […]
Visiting a male doctor
[O] noble Shaykh, in your opinion, what is the legal ruling regarding a woman going to a male doctor for a check-up?
Shaking hands with women
Is it permissible to shake the hand of a woman if doing so is from the custom of the people of the land?