Reference: al-Majmoo’ fee Tarjamatil-Muhaddith Hammaad ibn Muhammad al-Ansaaree wa Seeratuhu wa Aqwaalauhu – Volume 2, Quote No.39, Page 482 Shaykh ‘Abdul-Awwal narrates that he heard his father – Shaykh Hammaad ibn Muhammad al-Ansaaree (rahima-hullaah), say: Whoever falls into an innovation, it is said to him: “This action of yours is an innovation”. And if he […]
Tag: wisdom
The most amazing of those who memorised in our time
From amongst the most amazing of those who memorised [knowledge] in our time was Ibn Taymiyyah; He would read a book only once and it would be etched in his mind (i.e. he would have memorised it).
A blessing from Allaah
At this, the Shaykh became emotionally affected [by such good news] and cried.
Whoever stands the night in prayer
Whoever stands the night in prayer, Allaah will make easy for him his standing on the Day of Judgment.
You must be scared of her
In that case, you must be scared of her, for certainly if you deny this, then you would remain with us for supper.
Allaah is Most-Giving
He used to ask about my children and encourage his [own] children to visit me, may Allaah have Mercy upon Abu ‘Abdullaah.
Out of fear that it may rest upon my heart
Whilst I would walk through the market of Baghdad, I could hear the sound of female singers from the rooms, so I would put my fingers in my ears.
Advised others to fulfill their trusts
…whereby he offered me some advice and guidance, and encouraged me to the trust [of my position] in respect to the education of the girls; to protect them and their affairs
I am amazed at the people who take care of themselves
I am amazed at the people who take care of themselves by eating food out of fear of dying, yet do not protect themselves from sins out of fear of the Fire.
Treat everyone equally
…ever since I have come to know the truth during my youth I have called/invited to it, and I remain patient at whatever befalls me in that regard.