If sins had an odour then nobody would be able to sit with me.
Tag: wisdom
From where did you come by this knowledge?
And certainly, when I drunk [it] I asked Allaah for beneficial knowledge.
Gift from the Prince
Take the car [back] to the Prince and thank him for his noble gesture, and inform him that I am not in need of it.
Adhere to the Ahlul-Hadeeth
I heard ash-Shaafi’ee say: Adhere to the Ahlul-Hadeeth, for certainly they are the most correct people.
The Jews have never gathered together in one place
The Jews have never gathered together in one place except in this [present] time, and this is from [amongst] the signs of the Prophethood.
I found a particular aspect of Arabic grammar difficult
I found a particular aspect of Arabic grammar difficult, so I spent 80,000 dirhams in order to become proficient in it.
The Hanafees are extremely angry with Abu Hurayrah
The Hanafees are extremely angry with Abu Hurayrah because most of what he has narrated refutes them, and all Praise is due to Allaah [alone].
I left having benefited with knowledge
Never did I meet Hamzah ibn Muhammad, except that I left [his presence] having benefited with knowledge
This hadeeth is weak
Reference: al-Majmoo’ fee Tarjamatil-Muhaddith Hammaad ibn Muhammad al-Ansaaree wa Seeratuhu wa Aqwaalauhu – Volume 2, Quote No.3, Page 477 Shaykh ‘Abdul-Awwal narrates that he heard his father – Shaykh Hammaad ibn Muhammad al-Ansaaree (rahima-hullaah), say: The ruling of a hadeeth that it is weak should not be passed by anyone except an imaam who has […]
A means to all excellence
Knowledge is a means to all excellence.