So the Shaykh got out and pushed the car himself until it started up again.
Tag: wisdom
I used to attend the lessons of Qataadah when I was 14 years old
I used to attend the lessons of Qataadah when I was 14 years old, and there is nothing which I heard in those years except that it is as if it has been written (etched) in (on) my heart.
The term “democracy” means “permissibility” [i.e. making all things permissible].
Divide the night into three parts
And a third [in which] he would do salaah [pray].
University property
He would make sure to empty the ink out of his pen into the inkpot before he left, since it was the property of the University.
The humble Shaykh
By Allaah, I used to pray that Allaah does not cause me to die until I see [meet] you.
What prevented you from travelling to az-Zuhree?
He said: I did not have any (enough) dirhams (money).
Those who forsake their beds
Subhaa-nAllaah! I am a young man and have succumbed to sleep, and here is an old man who has succumbed to prayer and worship!
The good of hadeeth
Indeed, [knowledge of] hadeeth is the best of [all] the knowledge of this world.
Students from Russia
These are your students. They used to read your books in shelters under the ground during the Communist rule.