What shall I tell the people of my land when I return to them?
Tag: wisdom
The authenticity of a hadeeth
And with this, the authenticity [of the hadeeth] is not affirmed, as is not hidden [from the people of hadeeth].
I have not experienced anything like it for memorising
I have never seen Wakee’ with a book in his hands, rather, he has everything memorised. So I asked him about the remedy for memorising.
Do you know who the Shaykh is?
When the Shaykh entered the room, the youth stood up crying and kissed the Shaykh on the forehead.
Seeking knowledge with a sincere intention
We do not know of anything better than seeking knowledge with [a sincere] intention [for the sake of Allaah].
Reciting the Qur.aan in prayer
Indeed, Tameem ad-Daaree used to recite the [entire] Qur.aan in a [single] rak’ah.
Indeed knowledge departs
Indeed knowledge departs due to forgetfulness and leaving off revising.
The innovator
The innovator is not called an innovator (mubtadi’) until he persists in an affair which has been prohibited, and this affair consists of opposing the Sunnah.
Not taking sins lightly
Likewise sins which are treated as being minor and for which the person is taken to account will destroy him.
The science of hadeeth
The science of hadeeth is not easy.