Along the way he would ask his Shaykh questions for the duration of the journey until they arrived at the destination
Tag: wisdom
Answering the call to prayer
If the call to prayer was made and Ibraaheem ibn Maymoon al-Marwazee had raised his hammer, he would not strike with it (i.e. he would immediately stop work), [and instead go and answer the call to prayer].
Missing a prayer in congregation
Sa’eed ibn ‘Abdil-‘Azeez would weep if he missed a prayer in congregation (i.e. the obligatory congregational prayer).
The caravans of the pious and righteous have passed
Wake up O man! Night has passed, and day has arrived, and before you is a long journey and [yet you have] little provisions; The caravans of the pious and righteous have passed by and we have remained [behind].
Whoever is not concerned with the prayer
Whoever is not concerned with [preparing for] the prayer before its time, then he has not dignified or venerated it.
Let the workers work
I visited Ibraaheem ibn Haani whilst he was on his deathbed. [Whilst there] he called his son Ismaa’eel and said to him: Has the sun set [yet]?
Bordering on showing off
Whoever asks a question whilst he knows [the answer], then that is [considered to be] bordering on showing off.
Give your brother an excuse
Maybe there is an excuse for my brother which I do not know of.
Zubayd used to divide the night into three parts
‘Wake up’, and if he was lazy, he would pray his [third] part [of the night].
Humility and the dislike for being in the limelight
He invited the Shaykh to visit Bangladesh for a period of three days; in order to give da’wah of tawheed to the brothers from Ahlul-Hadeeth; whose number reached into millions.