There he would remain until just before [the time of] Zhuhr, whereby he would descend, extend greetings and depart.
Tag: wisdom
Go and ask them what they want
If they wanted to seek a legal ruling, he would answer their questions, and if they sought charity, then the Shaykh would give me some money to pass on to them.
Don’t follow behind me
[It was reported] regarding ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Mahdee that he rose from a gathering and the people [too arose and] followed [behind] him. So [out of humility] he said to them: ‘O people, don’t follow behind me.’
More beloved to me than a voluntary hajj
For me to give [even] a dirham in charity to an orphan or a destitute is more beloved to me than [a voluntary] hajj after [having performed] the obligatory first hajj.
Close your eyes
If a woman passes [before] you, then close your eyes until she has passed by.
Such a look will cause desire in the heart
Do not allow your eyes to look at a woman’s garment, for indeed such a look will cause desire in the heart.
So that you may attain a reward similar to that of mine
Go and get me [some] water or dried dates to break my fast with, so that you may attain a reward similar to that of mine.
Better than the voluntary Hajj
[For me] to remain with these [people] is better than [to proceed] for [the voluntary] hajj.
The weepers shall weep
Indeed, the people of the Fire [of Hell] shall be weeping in the Fire [of Hell, so much so] that if ships were set to sail upon their tears, they would sail.
Being charitable to relatives
Never has a relative of mine who had an outstanding loan died, except that I paid it off for him.