Verily these hearts are but utensils, so busy them with the Qur.aan, and do not busy them with anything else.
Tag: wisdom
Concern and attention for one’s sins
The concern and attention the servant [of Allaah] has for his sins, motivates [him] to abandon them. And his remorse over them is the key to repentance. And, the servant [of Allaah] maintains [this] concern and attention for the sins which he is afflicted by until [his concern and attention] becomes more beneficial for him than some of his good deeds.
Never had to pay zakaah on his wealth-2
It was reported about al-Husayn ibn Hafs that his yearly income was 100,000 [deenaars], and [despite such a huge income] he was never obligated to extract the zakaah[1] [from his wealth]
A seed grain’s worth in charity
I do not know of a seed grain comparing in weight to the mountains of this world, except a seed grain[s] worth [given] in charity.
The importance of the chain of narration
Do not look at the [text of the] hadeeth, rather look at the isnaad; If it is authentic [then look at the text of the hadeeth], otherwise do not. So do not be lured by [the text of] a hadeeth if it’s isnaad is not authentic.
Diligently taking notes
Ismaa’eel [ibn Zayd al-Jarjaanee] would write 90 pages [of knowledge] every night in small/fine writing.
The importance of taking notes
We used to do the rounds visiting the ‘Ulamaa with az-Zuhree and with him he had tablets and papers which he used to write upon all he heard [from the ‘Ulamaa].
Out of respect for the knowledge of hadeeth
[al-Imaam] Maalik would not narrate hadeeth unless he was in a state of purity (wudhoo) out of great respect for the [knowledge of] hadeeth.
They would divide the night into three
al-Hasan ibn Saalih, his brother and their mother used to divide the night into three parts, each would stand their third in prayer. So when their mother died, they divided the night in two parts, and when [his brother] ‘Alee died, Hasan stood the entire night in prayer.
As a result of elongating his prayer
‘Anas (radhi-yallaahu ‘anhu) used to pray until his feet swelled with blood, as a result of elongating his prayer, standing [in prayer] at night.