Simple ‘Umrah Guide – SmartPhone – v6.61
Tag: umrah
Ridding yourself of haraam wealth
This questioner is saying he acquired some money from haraam means, and he has since
repented sincerely to Allaah…
Tawaaf on behalf of the deceased or the living
[Regarding] the tawaaf [around the Ka’bah] on behalf of the deceased; is it permissible?
Righteous actions during the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah
Visit our YouTube channel for more Question: Regarding the [first] ten [days] of Dhul-Hijjah, what are the best deeds [to engage in], and is fasting [on the day of] ‘Arafah required of the hajj pilgrim? Response: He ﷺ said: «There are no days during which righteous deeds are better and more beloved to Allaah than […]
Excellence of the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah
The questioner is saying [O] Noble Shaykh, in [a few] days, we will be welcoming [the arrival of] the ten days of Dhul-Hijjah, so what is your advice for everyone to take advantage of them?
‘Umrah in Ramadhaan is better
Visit our YouTube channel for more Question: Which of the two are better, [to do] ‘Umrah in Ramadhaan or in the month of Dhul-Qi’dah, because the Messenger of Allaah ﷺ used to perform ‘Umrah in this month? Response: However, he did say: «’Umrah in Ramadhaan is like Hajj», [al-Bukhaaree and Muslim] …and in a[nother] narration: […]
‘Umrah Badal on behalf of the deceased
Regarding the ‘umrah, can it be performed on behalf of another, since my father has died without performing the ‘umrah – and I live [too] far away [to do so on his behalf myself]?
‘Umrah on behalf of deceased father who had already performed ‘umrah
[Regarding] the ‘umrah O noble Shaykh, if he (the son) wants to gift [the reward of] an ‘umrah to his deceased father, even though he (the father) had done ‘umrah himself…
Hajj and ‘Umrah Fataawa – Audio
Visit our YouTube channel for more Download individual fatwa audio files, prepared for MP3 players total number of files in zip archive: 89 more than 1.5 hours of audio fataawa total size: 66.5mb filetype: mp3 Download Originally published on 13 July, 2019.
Died at a young age and had not done hajj or ‘umrah
My brother died at the age of 35, and he had not performed hajj. Should I perform ‘umrah or hajj on his behalf – even though he had not done so?