Some of the people do not know [the true value of] Ramadhaan except that it is [for them] to sleep during the day, and be awake at night engaged in idle chat and gossip…
Tag: tv
Ramadhaan is an opportunity that may never return
What is your advice to the Muslims on the occasion of the approaching of the month of Ramadhaan, [and] may Allaah protect and preserve you?
The danger of satellite channels upon the ‘aqeedah
Something about which there is no doubt, is the danger emanating from satellite dishes; the worst of them being [the promotion of] shirk, magic and fortune telling.
Television in hospitals
Some of the inpatient rooms have a television; Some of the patients want it and others do not – and this can cause strain upon some of them. What should we do in this situation?
When a presenter on TV or Radio extends the greeting
If the presenter on television or radio extends the greeting or [likewise] the writer in a magazine, then is it obligatory upon us to respond in this case?
Bringing a television into the home
Some people, of whom we know good, bring televisions into their homes, and [by doing so] they say they do not wish to be accused of being excessive/immoderate.
Looking at the opposite sex on television
What is the ruling regarding looking at a woman (ajnabiyyah – someone who he is not a mahram to) and [similarly] a woman (ajnabiyyah) looking at a man whilst watching television?
Watching soap operas
What is the ruling regarding watching soap operas [and serials] which are transmitted on television?