I had a disagreement with a man, and we took the matter to court where he was asked to swear an oath [that he was telling the truth], but [in actual fact] he was lying. So what is the recompense for someone who swears an oath upon the Qur.aan based upon a lie?
Tag: truth
The false oath
In the presence of my friends, sisters and teachers, I swear an oath based on a lie, whilst [at the same time] in my heart I seek forgiveness from Allaah by oft-repeating al-istighfaar – without anyone knowing about it; am I still sinful for doing so?
Swearing an oath based upon a lie
If someone swore an oath on a matter – knowing it to be a lie, and afterwards he said “I seek forgiveness from Allaah, and repent unto Him” – what is the ruling regarding that? And is he required to expiate [for that sin]?
Attaining the genuine love of Allaah
[Only the one] who [truly] knows [about] Allaah will [be able to] love Him, and when he does love Him, he shall obey Him.
Attaining the sweetness of worship
Having worshiped Allaah for 50 years, I had not found (experienced) the sweetness of worship until I left three things…
He is not truthful
He is not truthful, the one who claims [his] love of Allaah ‘Azza wa Jall, but does not preserve [and uphold] the limits set by Allaah.
Those not well versed in Qur’an ‘should not issue fatwas’
The grand mufti said scholars must not issue fatwas, or religious edicts, if they are not well versed in the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of the Prophet, peace be upon him. “If he doesn’t know he should not issue any fatwa,” he said.
The more a person increases in knowledge
This is because taqwa is a means for strengthening understanding, and strong understanding assists in increasing knowledge.
The Jamaa’ah is what accords to the truth
The Jamaa’ah is what accords to the truth, even if you are alone.
The people of Truth and the Sunnah
Indeed the people of Truth and the Sunnah do not follow anyone [unconditionally] except the messenger of Allaah ﷺ, the one who does not speak from his desires – it is only revelation revealed to him.