At home, we have a toilet in the same room as the place (bathroom) where we do wudhoo, so should I utter the Name of Allaah inside the bathroom when making wudhoo or not?
Tag: toilet
Prayer in the bedroom where there is an adjoining bathroom
It is popular in new builds to have the bathroom inside the bedroom; so is it then permissible to pray in the bedroom?
Uttering “bismillaah” in the toilet when doing wudhoo
If someone wants to do wudhoo in the toilet – in the [same] place where he relieves himself, is it permissible for him to utter “bismillaah” [بسم الله] before doing wudhoo?
Mentioning Allaah whilst in the toilet and bathroom
Is it permissible for a person to mention Allaah in the toilet, and a bathroom in which he relieves himself; for example, by saying ‘subhaa-nAllaah’ and ‘astagh-firullaah’ whilst he is [actually] seated on the toilet?
Using tissues to clean oneself
What is ‘istijmaar’; and whilst on the plane, is it permissible to do istijmaar using tissues – even though there is water? And in terms of purification, what [practice] is more complete [istinjaa or istijmaar]?
Doing wudhoo in airplane toilet
[Whilst travelling by plane] I went to the toilet to relieve myself, and some urine dropped on my clothing; so I sprinkled some water on the affected area and rubbed it. Is [doing] this sufficient in purifying [my garment]? Bear in mind I then made wudhoo and prayed; so what is the ruling regarding my prayer?
Need to do wudhoo in airplane toilet
The toilets on the plane are cramped, and sometimes the floor and the walls are dirty from what appears to look like impurities…
Listening to an audio recording whilst in the toilet
Is it permissible for a person to listen to an audio recording whilst he is in the toilet and the audio player is outside?
Urinating whilst standing-1
Is it permissible for a person to urinate whilst standing, and what is the ruling regarding this?
Taking a book or newspaper to read in the toilet
When I need to go to the toilet [to answer the call of nature] – may Allaah honour you [O Shaykh] – I take with me a book or newspaper [to read] whilst I am in there.