…he would cry until he was overcome with tears.
Tag: time
Making the most of your time
I never thought anyone could [still] be asleep at daybreak.
The value of time, engaged in the remembrance of Allaah
Tell time [to pause], so I can then stop [moving my lips].
Humbling and belittling oneself
Yoosuf ibn al-Husayn was an imaam of his time. There was no-one from the scholars like him in terms of humbling and belittling himself.
Good character and minimal speech
Abul-Qaasim was of sound ‘aqeedah, good character, and minimal speech; [in fact] there was no-one of his time comparable to him.
Emulating ash-Shaafi’ee during Ramadhaan
I took myself to [emulating] what ar-Rabee’ had narrated about ash-Shaafi’ee, that he would complete [reading] the Qur.aan sixty times during Ramadhaan…
al-Imaam al-Bukhaaree and the Qur.aan during Ramadhaan
During the day in Ramadhaan, Muhammad ibn Ismaa’eel [al-Bukhaaree] would complete [reading] the Qur.aan every day…
Making time for the Qur.aan during Ramadhaan
Reference: Siyar A’laam an-Nubalaa – Volume 10, Page 272 Regarding al-Ma.moon, it has been narrated that he completed the recitation of the Qur.aan thirty three times during Ramadhaan. Translator’s note: While from one angle this worship is something praiseworthy, it must be noted that adhering to the Sunnah takes precedence, as it has been authentically reported […]
Would not allow time to pass without benefit
About him, I was told he would take account of himself [to the level of every] breath; he would not let time pass without [utilising it for] benefit. He would be [busy] either writing, teaching, or reading. I was told he would even be moving his lips when sharpening his pen[cil].
The precious value of time
I came across groups of people, and one of them was more stingy about [how he spent] his time than he was with his money.