The academic year has just begun, and parents are eager to send their children to school…
Tag: teacher
Valuable advice for teachers
Parents have left their children under your [care and] responsibility at school, [so be sure to] teach them that which benefits them…
Reflect on what we want to share before sharing
Reference: إذا كان هناك نزاع بين طرفين فمن الخطأ والإثم أن ترسل لأي طرف ما قاله الآخر، أو تخبره بقوله، لأنه ربما كان في ذلك من زيادة الشقة والفراق والنزاع بينهما، لذا فلنتأمل ما نريد إرساله قبل الإرسال، فإن كانت هنالك مصلحة متحققة بإذن الله فأرسل وأخبر، وإلا فدع. — أ.د. عاصم القريوتي Prof […]
A cause of benefit to others
[And] there are some in our day and age [today] who are quite the opposite.
How should I begin seeking knowledge?
He has a desire to understand matters of the religion, tajweed and tafseer – and wants [some] guidance; so do you advise him with any particular books [to start with]?
The burden borne by teachers
We have not become neglectful of that which is required of us.
5,000 or more in attendance, learning
And in the gatherings of Ahmad [ibn Hanbal], there would be about 5,000 or more, with about 500 [of them] writing, while the rest would be learning good manners [from him].
I reviewed the Qur.aan three times
I reviewed the Qur.aan with Ibn ‘Abbaas three times. I would stop him at every aayah, and ask him about what it was revealed, and how it was [revealed].
He memorised an aayah a day
Yahya ibn Waththaab read the entire Qur.aan to ‘Ubayd ibn Nudhaylah – a companion of ‘Alqamah, and with him he memorised an aayah every day.
I read the Qur.aan to ‘Umar
I read the Qur.aan to ‘Umar [ibn al-Khataab] (radhi-yAllaahu ‘anhu) three times.