Beware of the supplications of the oppressed, for they ascend to Allaah as if they are sparks of fire.
Tag: supplication
This great blessing
From the correct understanding and etiquette of honouring our parents and being dutiful to them is that we exert ourselves in supplication to Allaah, that he helps us and blesses us to honour them, and be dutiful to them.
Upon completing reading the entire Qur.aan
Upon completing reading the [entire] Qur.aan, ‘Abdullaah ibn al-Mubaarak would [then] like supplicating whilst in prostration.
Unable to regularly visit my father’s grave
My father died a long while ago, and he is [buried in a graveyard] far away from [where I live], and [as such] I am unable to visit him except after two or three years. So is it possible for me to honour him with anything, since I [live so] far away from him?
Supplicating for the deceased
[Please] guide me to good deeds which I can do so [their reward] reach my father, and may you be rewarded.
Complete trust and confidence in Allaah
And al-i’tisaam is to have complete trust and confidence in Allaah; and [know thereafter] whoever supplicates to Him, He will respond…
Just one extra righteous deed
Other than [the act of] supplicating, which [other righteous] deeds can I do to honour my father after his death?
Supplicating for the ruler
If I had a [single] supplication which was [certain] to be answered [by Allaah], I would make it for the ruler; for the wellbeing and righteousness of the ruler entails the wellbeing of the land and the people.
Congregational supplication after the prayer
I am asking about the congregational supplication after the prayer, where the imaam supplicates and the rest [of the congregation] respond [by saying] ‘aameen’. [Does Allaah] respond to the supplication done in this manner?
Reciting Soorah al-Faatihah during the supplication
Is it permissible to recite soorah al-Faatihah whilst supplicating, or at the end of the supplication? And is that [considered to be] an innovation?