And this supplication is among the most all-encompassing of supplications for [that which is] good.
Tag: supplication
An important issue for all who make istikhaarah
It is not necessary for the one who makes istikhaarah that he see anything to guide him to that which is best for him. Rather, when something is made easy for him after having made istikhaarah, then he should know that is what is good [for him].
Making istikhaarah on behalf of someone else
And it is from falsehood to have someone else make istikhaarah for him, and wait to see something in a dream which would guide him to do [something] or leave [it].
Zam Zam benefits the drinker
There is evidence here that the water of Zam Zam benefits the drinker for whatever reason he drinks it for – whether it is for the affairs of this world or the hereafter…
Supplication is the weapon of the strong and the weak
Supplication is the weapon of the strong and the weak, and it is from the delights of the Prophets and the sincere, and with it they seek [aid from Allaah] to ward off all harm.
You will not be disappointed
[For] every supplication you make to your Lord, you will not be disappointed…
O Allaah! Make firm the Qur.aan in our hearts
He then uttered this dhikr, and asked Allaah to make firm the Qur.aan in his heart; thereafter, he never forgot the Qur.aan.
Passing by the graveyard
Is the invocation of peace upon the dead to be uttered only upon entering the graveyard, or can it also be uttered when passing by [the graveyard]?
O Allaah forgive whomsoever oppressed me
Oh Abaa Sa’eed, indeed I heard you supplicating this night for the ones who oppressed you, until I wished to be amongst them. What led you to do this?
The legislated morning and evening supplications
Whoever utters the [legislated] morning and evening supplications, and then blows into his cupped hands, and thereafter wipes his hands over his body – is doing this something which is legislated?