Reference: al-Liqaa. ash-Shahree, v2 Question: …and [do you have] any prayers for our Muslim brothers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Palestine, and other than them everywhere? And may Allaah reward you with the best of rewards. Response: Prayers are offered for [all] our Muslim mujaahideen brothers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in Palestine, and […]
Tag: supplication
Our obligation towards the Palestinians
Visit our YouTube channel for more Question: There are numerous questions which have come, asking about our position on what is happening to our brothers in Palestine, and what is our duty towards them? Response: You are obligated to [help] as much as you can in terms of helping with [donations of] money and prayer. […]
Aiding our Muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine
[There are] numerous questions which have come, asking about the position of the Muslim…
Our obligation towards al-Masjid al-Aqsa
What is the role of the scholars, and the callers [to Islaam], and those giving sermons towards what al-Masjid al-Aqsa is being subjected to in the attempts to desecrate, or perhaps demolish it?
O my Lord! My sins are great in number
“If there was [any] speech to be written in gold, then this speech would be written [in gold].”
Increase in supplicating to Allaah
We therefore encourage our brothers to increase in supplicating to Allaah (’Azza wa Jall)…
Be prompt in repenting for your sins
[So] how pitiful is the one who is prevented from goodness in his old age for sins committed during [his] youth!
Illumination for the heart
The darkness of the night is illumination for the heart…
Supplication for the parents
The supplication you make for your parents during the taraaweeh or tahajjud prayer is better by far than you slaughtering 10 camels [in their names].
The importance of exercising patience
And the severity [of the trial] will come to an end, so do not prolong the calamity [by being impatient].