Is there anything [authentically reported] from the Prophetic Sunnah about reciting Aayatul-Kursee, the two aayahs after it, and the last two aayahs of soorah al-Baqarah, and then all of the beautiful Names of Allaah – after completing the obligatory prayer?
Tag: sunnah
Behave yourself!
You must protect [your religion and your homeland from any such ridicule], and behave yourself.
Tahiyyatul-masjid or two rak’ahs of Fajr
If I entered the masjid after the adhaan of the Fajr prayer [has been called], should I pray the two rak’ahs of tahiyyatul-masjid, and then pray the two [Sunnah] rak’ahs of Fajr?
Using a microphone for calling the adhaan
Whoever says that [using] the microphone suffices [the mu.adhdhin] from turning [the heard a little to the right and left] during the adhaan; is his opinion correct?
How are you this morning?
[With] death approaching me, [I am] far from [what] I [had] hoped [for myself], [and] my [good] deeds are insufficient.
How are you this morning?
How can one be in the morning when his Lord demands he fulfill [his] religious obligations, and…
Prayers and salutations upon the Prophet during the Jumu’ah khutbah
It has been narrated that you said the prayers and salutations upon the Prophet ﷺ during the second [part of the] khutbah is an innovation; so is this correct?
Interrupting the adhkaar after the prayer with the Sunnah prayer
Is it permissible to interrupt [the uttering of] the words of remembrance (adhkaar) which are uttered after the [obligatory] prayer by praying the Sunnah prayer?
I do not know
Suhnoon was asked whether it is possible for a scholar to say ‘I do not know’ in response to a matter he knows about?
Know that he is misguided
If you spoke to a man about the Sunnah, and he said [to you] ‘Spare us from this [speech], and [just] tell us about the Book of Allaah’, then know that he is misguided.