We want your excellency to encourage the callers [to Islaam] and the students of knowledge to establish lessons and lectures in all of the regions of [all] the countries…
Tag: student
The root of tribulation
Keeping away from the hadeeth of the Prophet ﷺ is the root of tribulation! [there was a time when] the student of knowledge would read the [collection of] six books of hadeeth, the Muwatta, and then progress to reading the masaaneed and more.
How should I begin seeking knowledge?
He has a desire to understand matters of the religion, tajweed and tafseer – and wants [some] guidance; so do you advise him with any particular books [to start with]?
The burden borne by teachers
We have not become neglectful of that which is required of us.
Smart studying
…and smart study of a topic for an hour is more beneficial than to read and memorise for hours, rather days.
Take the best from every thing
Knowledge is more than what can be enumerated, so take the best from every thing.
I do not know
By Allaah, I do not know; ask the cupping practitioners.
Seeking knowledge by watching videos
[What is the ruling regarding] using teaching aids such as video to teach Islaamic subjects such as fiqh, tafseer, [the laws of] inheritance, and other such subjects?
He was the most humblest of all the people
He would teach the people and have them read the Qur.aan to him. And when they would finish, he would [turn to] occupy himself in prayer.
The perishers
The ignorant one is dead, and the forgetful one is asleep, and the sinner is intoxicated, and the one who insists [upon remaining so] will perish.