Reference: قال الحسن: الغيبة ثلاثة أوجه كلها فى كتاب الله: الغيبة، والإفك، والبهتان.(1) فأما الغيبة: فهى أن تقول فى أخيك ما هو فيه.(2) وأما الإفك: فأن تقول فيه ما بلغك عنه.(3) وأما البهتان: فأن تقول فيه ما ليس فيه.ولا خلاف بين العلماء فى أن الغيبة من الكبائر.«تفسير المراغي» — أ.د. عاصم القريوتي Prof Dr […]
Tag: slander
Most of the sins are borne of…
Most of the sins are borne of idle speech and looking [at that which is prohibited]…
What people say about you
What people say about you should not sadden you, for if it is false, then it is [recorded as] a reward [for you] that you did not [actually] do…
The people who err the most
Indeed, the people who err the most, are those who engage the most in mentioning the mistakes of others.
Strive hard in lowering your gaze
[The need for the] safeguarding of [one’s] eyes is much greater than [the need for the] safeguarding of [one’s] tongue.
The one who safeguards himself the most
The one who safeguards himself the most, is the one who protects his tongue the most [from false and idle speech]…
Backbiting is more severe
Backbiting is more severe [in sin] than [having an outstanding] loan.
I have not seen anyone like Ahmad ibn Hanbal
I met 200 scholars of knowledge, and I have not seen anyone like Ahmad ibn Hanbal.
Reflect at the wisdom of Allaah
And look at the wisdom of Allaah and His love for the coming together of the hearts [of the believers].
Watch your tongue
«Most of the sins of the son of Aadam are due to his tongue»