O Allaah, if you forgive me, then you are qualified to do so, and if you punish me, then I am qualified to be so.
Tag: sins
Dirty clothing is more in need of soap than it is of a pleasant scent
Which of the two is best: [that] I glorify Allaah ( سبحان الله ), or [that] I seek forgiveness from Allaah ( أستغفر الله )?
Benefits of seeking forgiveness
What are the religious and worldly benefits of istighfaar?
Shackled by your sins
If you are unable to establish the [voluntary] night prayer, nor [voluntarily] fast during the day, then know that you have been prevented [from doing these great acts of worship], because you have been shackled by your sins.
Do something about it
From the greatest of catastrophes for a man is that he knows his own shortcomings, but is not concerned, nor does he grieve over them.
If sins had a smell
If sins had a smell, no-one would [ever] sit with me.
The truly content one
The [truly] content [one] is he whose sins die with him.
Concern and attention for one’s sins
The concern and attention the servant [of Allaah] has for his sins, motivates [him] to abandon them. And his remorse over them is the key to repentance. And, the servant [of Allaah] maintains [this] concern and attention for the sins which he is afflicted by until [his concern and attention] becomes more beneficial for him than some of his good deeds.
Expiation of sins is by good actions
If a person fears Allaah (has taqwa), Allaah will make it easy for him to do good actions with which he can make expiation [for the sins].
Not taking sins lightly
Likewise sins which are treated as being minor and for which the person is taken to account will destroy him.