Indeed, khashyah is to have fear and apprehension of Allaah, such that your fear and apprehension of Him is a cause of preventing you from sin; that there is [the true essence of] khashyah.
Tag: sin
Behave yourself!
You must protect [your religion and your homeland from any such ridicule], and behave yourself.
Transgressing against Allaah
A lack of fear [of Allaah] is due to a lack of remorse in the heart [at transgressing against Allaah], just as a house which has not been lived in will deteriorate.
Watch your tongue
«Most of the sins of the son of Aadam are due to his tongue»
Do not be misled by the extent of Allaah’s Gentleness over you
O people who sin against Allaah, do not be misled by the extent of Allaah’s Gentleness over you, [rather] be aware of His Anger…
Maintaining righteous companionship
I accompanied [‘Abdullaah] Ibn ‘Own for 24 years, and [during that time] I am not aware the angels recorded any sin against him.
The mere sight of him would awaken sadness in my heart
Whenever I looked at al-Fudhayl [ibn ’Iyaadh], [the mere sight of him] would awaken sadness [in my heart], [causing me to] despise myself, and then weep.
The perishers
The ignorant one is dead, and the forgetful one is asleep, and the sinner is intoxicated, and the one who insists [upon remaining so] will perish.
How many times have you lied?
I only [ever] lied once. ‘Umar asked me about a garment, [and] how much I got it for. So I [lied and] dropped its price by two thirds.
Supplicating for the openly immoral sinner
Is it permissible to supplicate for an openly immoral sinner (faasiq), who does not fulfill his religious obligations?