Noble Shaykh – may Allaah protect and preserve you – I have a desire to seek Islaamic knowledge; I hope you can explain [to us] the correct manner of seeking Islaamic knowledge, and [may] Allaah grant you good?
Tag: shaykh
Serving the Ummah regardless
One day we visited the Shaykh whilst he was suffering from an ailment in his leg.
The Shaykh detested painkillers
The Shaykh detested (analgesic) painkillers, as one of the doctors who was treating him said
I supplicate to Allaah for ash-Shaafi’ee
I supplicate to Allaah for ash-Shaafi’ee, even in my prayers (salaah).
The Shaykh absolutely disapproved of it
Reference: Safahaat Mushriqah min Hayaat al-Imaam Muhammed ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen – Page 159 It has been narrated by Dr. ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Abdil-Muhsin at-Tuwayjiree: I cannot forget this incident when I took our noble brother ‘Abdul-Kareem al-Miqrin (presenter on the Qur.aan radio station) to account, when I asked him: Why is it that when you introduce […]
Give the benefit of the doubt
“Do not be hasty in passing judgement! It is possible that he was a passenger with someone who smokes and as a result some of the smell went onto him.”
‘whilst he was still young…’
There he would remain until just before [the time of] Zhuhr, whereby he would descend, extend greetings and depart.
Go and ask them what they want
If they wanted to seek a legal ruling, he would answer their questions, and if they sought charity, then the Shaykh would give me some money to pass on to them.
Asking questions
Along the way he would ask his Shaykh questions for the duration of the journey until they arrived at the destination
Humility and the dislike for being in the limelight
He invited the Shaykh to visit Bangladesh for a period of three days; in order to give da’wah of tawheed to the brothers from Ahlul-Hadeeth; whose number reached into millions.