Indeed, this knowledge is the religion, so look (be careful) from whom you take your religion.
Tag: seek knowledge
Travelling in search of knowledge
Twice I have travelled between the East and West [in search of knowledge].
Inform your family of poverty
What is your profession?
In search of knowledge
I have travelled four times between the East and West [in search of knowledge].
The various stages of knowledge
The first [stage] of knowledge is to listen [carefully], then [conscientiously] memorise it, then act according to it, then convey it [to others].
Teach the people
adh-Dhahhaak would teach [the people], but would not take any payment [for doing so].
From the books of Islaam
From the books of Islaam, I have not seen knowledge [content] of the likes of “al-Muhallaa” of Ibn Hazm, and the book “al-Mughnee” of Muwaffaq ad-Deen [Ibn Qudaamah].
Act in accordance with your knowledge
Whoever does not act in accordance with his knowledge, then his knowledge has not benefited him; rather it has harmed him.
Woe be once to the one who does not know
Woe be once to the one who does not know, and woe be seven times to the one who knows but does not act [according to his knowledge].
Listening to audio recordings
[So] my question [is]: Is the reward for listening to these cassette [recordings] the same as the reward for sitting in the masjid itself and the descending of the angels around them, enclosing them with the Mercy [of Allaah]?