[What is the ruling regarding] using teaching aids such as video to teach Islaamic subjects such as fiqh, tafseer, [the laws of] inheritance, and other such subjects?
Tag: seek knowledge
Menstruating woman attending lessons in the masjid
There is a masjid in which they have a hall for lessons; is it permissible for a menstruating woman to attend lessons in this hall, whilst seated on a chair?
Fear of fame and popularity
If more than four [students] sat with Abul-’Aaliyah, he would get up and leave.
Learning foreign languages
What is the ruling regarding learning foreign languages for the sake of da’wah?
The importance of Kitaab at-Tawheed
It is not sufficient to read ‘Kitaab at-Tawheed’ [just] once, rather it is befitting that you always read it; [so] every time you finish it, start [reading] it again, just as I do so myself.
He was capable of dictating it all from memory
‘If the math.hab of ash-Shaafi’ee disappeared, he was capable of dictating it [all] from memory.’
The difference between ‘prohibited’ and ‘not permissible’
Is there a difference between the saying of the scholars ‘this is prohibited ( حرام )’ or ‘this is not permissible’ ( لا يجوز )?
Maintaining a disciplined approach to reading the Qur.aan
My grandfather, ‘Abdullaah ibn Muhayreez, would complete [reading the] Qur.aan every Jumu’ah; and [every night] we would prepare his bedding, and perhaps he did not sleep upon it.
I reviewed the Qur.aan three times
I reviewed the Qur.aan with Ibn ‘Abbaas three times. I would stop him at every aayah, and ask him about what it was revealed, and how it was [revealed].
Studying the Qur.aan
When we had learnt ten aayahs [of the Qur.aan] from the Prophet ﷺ, we would not move on to the next ten [aayahs] which were revealed after them, until we had learnt what they contained of knowledge.