‘The Shaykh met with Shaykh ‘Abdus-Samad Sharafuddeen, the well-known researcher, and one of the major scholars of India, and they formed between themselves a knowledge-based correspondence.
Tag: scholar
No desire for the world
“Take these keys to this car, as it is a present from me to you.”
The excellence of the scholar
…and like this it is incumbent upon the student to recognise the excellence of the jurist (scholar), and acknowledge the knowledge he (the scholar) possesses is that which he (the student) has acquired, and from him (the scholar) he (the student) has taken.
The correct manner of seeking knowledge
Noble Shaykh – may Allaah protect and preserve you – I have a desire to seek Islaamic knowledge; I hope you can explain [to us] the correct manner of seeking Islaamic knowledge, and [may] Allaah grant you good?
I do not know
I accompanied Ibn ‘Umar (radhi-yAllaahu ‘anhumaa) for 34 months, and [during this time] whenever he was asked a question, he would respond with: I do not know. He then turned to me and said: Do you know what these [people] wanted, they wanted to use our backs as a bridge for themselves to Hell.
Essential attributes of the Scholar
The scholar is not he who [just] knows about the good and the bad, rather, the scholar is he who knows about the good and adheres to it, [just as he] knows of the bad and refrains from it.
The Shaykh detested painkillers
The Shaykh detested (analgesic) painkillers, as one of the doctors who was treating him said
I supplicate to Allaah for ash-Shaafi’ee
I supplicate to Allaah for ash-Shaafi’ee, even in my prayers (salaah).
The Shaykh absolutely disapproved of it
Reference: Safahaat Mushriqah min Hayaat al-Imaam Muhammed ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen – Page 159 It has been narrated by Dr. ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Abdil-Muhsin at-Tuwayjiree: I cannot forget this incident when I took our noble brother ‘Abdul-Kareem al-Miqrin (presenter on the Qur.aan radio station) to account, when I asked him: Why is it that when you introduce […]
Give the benefit of the doubt
“Do not be hasty in passing judgement! It is possible that he was a passenger with someone who smokes and as a result some of the smell went onto him.”