Indeed, the definition of the term “jaahiliyyah” is to say: It is the period which was before the Prophethood of Muhammad ﷺ.
Tag: scholar
“The is so-and-so who said such-and-such about you”
“If it was said to me that there is someone on the face of this earth who is from the pious predecessors, certainly I would have said it is this man,”’
The authenticity of a hadeeth
And with this, the authenticity [of the hadeeth] is not affirmed, as is not hidden [from the people of hadeeth].
Do you know who the Shaykh is?
When the Shaykh entered the room, the youth stood up crying and kissed the Shaykh on the forehead.
The innovator
The innovator is not called an innovator (mubtadi’) until he persists in an affair which has been prohibited, and this affair consists of opposing the Sunnah.
The science of hadeeth
The science of hadeeth is not easy.
Got out and pushed the car himself
So the Shaykh got out and pushed the car himself until it started up again.
The term “democracy” means “permissibility” [i.e. making all things permissible].
Muhammad Amaan Ibn ‘Alee al-Jaamee
He was born in 1349 A.H / 1927C.E. as indicated in his official papers. The Shaykh was raised in a village by the name of Tughaa Taab in Habashah where he studied the Noble Qur.aan. After he completed this, he began studying the books of Fiqh of the Shaafi’ee madhhab. He also studied Arabic in […]
University property
He would make sure to empty the ink out of his pen into the inkpot before he left, since it was the property of the University.