There he would remain until just before [the time of] Zhuhr, whereby he would descend, extend greetings and depart.
Tag: scholar
Go and ask them what they want
If they wanted to seek a legal ruling, he would answer their questions, and if they sought charity, then the Shaykh would give me some money to pass on to them.
Asking questions
Along the way he would ask his Shaykh questions for the duration of the journey until they arrived at the destination
Muhammed ibn ‘Abdullaah as-Subayyal
He is Abu ‘Abdullaah Muhammad ibn ‘Abdillaah ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Abdil-‘Azeez as-Subayyal, from the family of Aal Ghayhib from the tribe of Banee Zayd from Qudhaa’ah from Qahtaan. He was born in al-Bukayriyyah in the province of Qaseem in 1345H (1926AD). His Upbringing and Quest for Knowledge He was brought up in al-Bukayriyyah and began […]
Humility and the dislike for being in the limelight
He invited the Shaykh to visit Bangladesh for a period of three days; in order to give da’wah of tawheed to the brothers from Ahlul-Hadeeth; whose number reached into millions.
Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullaah as-Sumaalee
All praise be to Allaah alone and may the peace and blessing be on the best of His creation, Muhammad, and on his family and Companions. To proceed: Muhammad ‘Abdullaah As-Sumaalee was a teacher in Al-Masjid Al-Haraam and in the Daar-ul-Hadeeth Al-Khairiyyah in Makkah. He was a noble scholar and a knowledgeable Muhaddith. I attended […]
The final abode
When the King saw the humble home of the Shaykh he offered to have a new house built for him.
Haafidth Ibn Ahmad al-Hakamee
His Birth and Early Childhood Shaykh Haafidth ibn Ahmad ibn ‘Alee al-Hakamee (rahima-hullaah) was one of the notable scholars from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and one of the most famous of those who lived in the 14th (hijree) century to come from the southern region of the country (i.e. Tuhaamah). Shaykh Haafidth was born […]
In order to compete with the scholars
«Do not acquire knowledge in order to compete with the scholars, nor to argue with the ignorant, nor to gain mastery over the gatherings. Since whoever does that, then: The Fire! The Fire!»
Not enough for my needs
And it appeared the man understood what the Shaykh had intended, so he took the money, thanking the Shaykh as he left.