Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Sulaymaan ar-Ruhaylee said: Last year, we welcomed [the arrival of] Ramadhaan – rejoicing and full of happiness, and we were saying “Welcome! Welcome!”, and then as its days quickly passed we were saying to it “Slowly! Slowly!” Then it passed by, and we [found ourselves] in a strange […]
Tag: salah
Making up prayers which were intentionally missed
When I was a reckless young man, during the period of my youth, I abandoned the prayer (salaah) for a period of six months; [thereafter] Allaah bestowed upon me guidance and uprightness, and [the conviction to] preserve the [daily] prayers at their [appointed] times. [Now] should I make up the prayers which I had abandoned early on in my life? And are prayers [ever] required to be made up?
The prayer of the woman with her husband
What is the Sunnah regarding [the manner of] the prayer of the woman with her husband? Should she stand in line by his side, or should she pray behind him?
The importance of prayer
He who [exherts himself in] protect[ing] his religion, and [likewise protecting] his prayer – which [itself] is a pillar of the religion [of Islaam], does not leave it wherever he may be
Beware of invalidating your salaah!
«There is no salaah for the one whose nose did not touch the ground, [and whose] forehead did not touch [the ground either].»
These words are beyond the level of originality
These words are beyond the level of originality; Glory be to the Creator, the Sustainer – He in whose Hand are the affairs of every thing.
Tears falling on the mat during prayer
I used to hear the tears of Sa’eed ibn ‘Abdil-’Azeez falling on the mat whilst [he was] in prayer.
Discipline and perseverance
Asad ibn ‘Amr said that for forty years, Abu Haneefah prayed the ‘Ishaa [prayer] and the morning (Fajr) prayer with [the same] wudhoo.
Poverty and hardship
So ‘Abdur-Razzaaq asked about him, and was told he had not eaten anything for the last three days.
The imaam forgetfully missed a prostration
‘Every one [of the congregation] should individually prostrate a prostration [of forgetfulness].’