Is it permissible to crack the knuckles and [take off and] put spectacles in the pocket during the prayer?
Tag: salaah
The ‘ishaa prayer in congregation
And this man says he delays the ‘ishaa prayer until after the middle of the night, so is this correct [for him to do], or is it mandatory for him to pray [the ‘ishaa prayer] after the adhaan – along with the [rest of the] congregation?
The time for the night prayer
Regarding the night prayer, is it to be estimated in hours, or should one just assume it to be after the ‘ishaa prayer, and [if he then] prays the night prayer will it suffice him?
When the traveller shortens his prayer
Is it permissible to combine [the prayer] during his stay in the city he has reached?
Disconnected rows in the congregational prayer
I am one of the imaams of the masaajid, and hope you can answer some of these questions [So] he says, what is the ruling regarding the prayer [performed] in rows which are disconnected?
My husband does not pray
My husband does not pray, and I sometime wake him up for the salaah, but he severely admonishes me, and sometimes he [even] beats me. [So] should I leave him be, or should I [continue to] encourage him to pray, or what should I do with him? Please guide me, and baara-kAllaahu feekum.
The Muslims will continue to remain upon prayer
[Regarding the hadeeth]: «there will come a time when the people will pray, and not fast»…what is its authenticity, and what is the excellence of maintaining the prayer?
Prayer in dirty clothes
[O] shaykh, [what is your opinion regarding] those who go for prayer wearing dirty clothes?
Time for friends, but not for prayer?
The one who hastens in praying quickly – at a pace void of being calm and at ease, then his prayer is invalid; [whether that is] the obligatory [prayer] or the voluntary [prayer].
The importance of prayer
He who [exherts himself in] protect[ing] his religion, and [likewise protecting] his prayer – which [itself] is a pillar of the religion [of Islaam], does not leave it wherever he may be