The questioner is saying [O] Noble Shaykh, in [a few] days, we will be welcoming [the arrival of] the ten days of Dhul-Hijjah, so what is your advice for everyone to take advantage of them?
Tag: salaah
Leading the prayer in Masjid Qubaa
Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Sulaymaan ar-Ruhaylee leading the prayer in Masjid Qubaa in Madeenah. Reciting from aayahs 21 through 24 of Soorah al-Baqarah.
Leading the ‘Ishaa prayer in Masjid Qubaa
Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Sulaymaan ar-Ruhaylee leading the ‘ishaa prayer in Masjid Qubaa in Madeenah on Thursday, 16th May 2024. Reciting from aayahs 38 through 45 of Soorah Qaaf.
Supplicating between the Adhaan and the Iqaamah
The questioner says is it correct that the supplication and the seeking of forgiveness between the adhaan and the iqaamah is better than reading the Qur.aan?
How to advise my father who does not pray
Also, his father does not pray, and says when I advise him, he replies “I know more than you”; So what do you advise that I do?
Giving charity to a relative who does not pray
What is the ruling regarding giving charity to one who does not pray, bearing in mind he is a relative?
Combining the two Sunnah rak’ahs of Fajr along with the Tahiyyatul-Masjid
[And] the second question [is] when he enters the masjid, he prays the [two Sunnah] rak’ahs of the Fajr [prayer], and combines it with the tahiyyatul-masjid; [is that] permissible?
Don’t become lethargic during the last ten of Ramadhaan
It is befitting for the worshiper not to become lethargic, because some of the people begin Ramadhaan with energy, and then become lethargic.
Praying whilst sitting on a chair
I have a question regarding the prayer [whilst seated] on chairs – which has become widespread in the masaajid; it has become widespread in the masaajid. [So] is [the performance of] the prayer [whilst sitting] on a chair better, or [whilst sitting] on the floor – because of the prostration and the rest of the [required] pillars of the prayer?
Seeking a divorce from one who does not pray in the masjid
One of the sisters asks: If my husband does not pray the congregational prayer in the masjid with the [rest of] the Muslims, do I [have the right to] seek divorce and separation from him?