What is better: [is it] to give zakaah to poor and needy relatives whom I am not financially responsible for, or that I give it to the poor and needy neighbour?
Tag: sadaqah
Excellence of the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah
The questioner is saying [O] Noble Shaykh, in [a few] days, we will be welcoming [the arrival of] the ten days of Dhul-Hijjah, so what is your advice for everyone to take advantage of them?
Giving charity to a relative who does not pray
What is the ruling regarding giving charity to one who does not pray, bearing in mind he is a relative?
Put an end to the enmity, hatred and malice between yourselves
Indeed the month of Ramadhaan is a month of benefits and [the] plentiful earning [of reward], so take advantage of it with worship…
The Zakaah due on a car
As for the Shaykh’s car, then it was as if it were a camel carrying the brothers, because the Shaykh used to take them from one place to another in it.
Always giving away in charity
Never would an hour pass him except that he would give something away in charity, and if he did not have anything [to give away in charity], he would [then] pray two rak’ahs [of voluntary prayer].
Where did you get these dates from?
I brought a container of ripe dates for the Shaykh, and the dates were very fresh – so the Shaykh ate a few and then asked: “Where did you get these dates from?”
Assisting the students
The Shaykh used to give a ride to whomever from amongst the students he would come across [on his way] to the [Islaamic] University [of Madeenah] or to the centre of town.
A millionaire
“O brothers! By Allaah I hope to become a millionaire so I can [help] relieve the thousands [of people] like this woman from the shackles of ribaa.”
Every penny counts
Such was the importance the Shaykh placed upon other people’s money and donations; out of fear we may forget that half a riyal.