Reference: 🔹في الحديث عن نبينا ﷺ قال:" إذا أراد الله بعبد خيراً طهَّره قبل موته، قالوا: وما طُهور العبد؟ قال: عمل صالح يُلهمه إياه حتى يقبضه عليه". #صححه_الألبانيفاللهم اختم لنا بخير طهور، وأحسن عمل.#حسن_الخاتمة#الجمعة — سلطان العيد (@sultanal3eed) March 2, 2018 Authenticated by al-Albaanee The Prophet ﷺ said: «If Allaah wants good for His […]
Tag: righteous
You will not be disappointed
[For] every supplication you make to your Lord, you will not be disappointed…
Who are the Ahl ar-Rayb?
The righteous will pass away, and the Ahl ar-Rayb will remain…
Maintaining righteous companionship
I accompanied [‘Abdullaah] Ibn ‘Own for 24 years, and [during that time] I am not aware the angels recorded any sin against him.
in shaa.-Allaah they have been forgiven by Allaah
If it were not that I was amongst them (this group of righteous men), I would have said [in shaa.-Allaah] they have been forgiven [by Allaah].
More beloved to me than this world and all that is in it
For me to know that Allaah has accepted from me [a good deed equivalent to] the weight of a grain, is more beloved to me than this world and all that is in it.
A believer will never be complete until…
A believer will never be complete until he prefers his religion over his desires, and he will never perish until he prefers his desires over his religion.
Pious companions
ar-Rabee’ [ibn Khuthaym] was the most pious of the companions of ‘Abdullaah.
The love of this world
There is none who loves [the pursuit of] this world, except that he has not loved death; [yet] whoever exerts himself [in righteousness] towards it (death), [will find that he] loves to meet his Lord.
The path to Paradise
I have not seen a man more knowledgeable of the path to Paradise than al-Hasan [al-Basree].