What are the religious and worldly benefits of istighfaar?
Tag: repentance
My mother treated me badly
[And all this was] over some petty matters, as I suspected she loved my older brother more than me, because she treated me badly.
Good deeds wipe away sins
Reference: Fataawa Noor ‘alad-Darb – Question No.6259, Page 96, Volume 12 Question: How do good deeds wipe away sins? Is it [as simple as] the sins just go away and the [reward for] good deeds remain? Response: Yes, this is how Allaah (‘Azza wa Jall) said [so]: {Indeed, good deeds do away with misdeeds}, soorah […]
Made intention to commit a sin
A man made the intention to commit a sin, and at the same time made the intention that he would repent to Allaah after committing this sin; so will his repentance be accepted or not?
Sincerely repenting to Allaah
She was pregnant for [about] a month and a half, and then aborted the pregnancy – unaware of the ruling regarding that; after she learnt about the prohibition [of aborting a pregnancy], she was deeply remorseful. So is there anything required of her?
A sincere repentance to Allaah
A sincere repentance to Allaah is from the greatest [acts with] which one can draw near to Allaah, particularly during these virtuous days [of Dhul-Hijjah]; O Allaah forgive us, and immerse us in your Mercy.
Don’t rejoice at people’s praise for you
Don’t rejoice at people’s praise for you, rather ask Allaah if indeed this is true that He increases you from His Bounty…
He must remedy this harm
So whoever commits [a deed] which Allaah and His Messenger have forbidden, has harmed his religion; and he must remedy this harm by repentance and turning back [from this misdeed].
Too shy to tell my mother I had started my menses
I am a young woman and my menses began when I was 14 years [of age], and I was too shy to tell my mother about it. So after Ramadhaan I did not make up [the fasts] which I was required to, bearing in mind that this was 11 years ago, so what is the ruling regarding that considering I am now married?
Seeking forgiveness aplenty
Never has a slave [of Allaah] had a better neighbour in his grave than [the reward of having] plentifully sought forgiveness.