If someone made the intention to commit a sin, but did not do it, would it be recorded against him or not?
Tag: repentance
What is the matter with us?!!
So if the Prophet ﷺ would increase in repentance and seeking forgiveness, then what is the matter with us that we do not increase in doing so?!!
Remembering Allaah when committing a sin
The remembrance of Allaah with the tongue is good, and [what is] better than that is the worshipper remembering Allaah at the time of committing a sin, and then refraining from it.
Seeking forgiveness and repentance
Whoever is characterised by this description – seeking forgiveness and repentance – [then] Allaah will make [it] easy for him [to attain] his sustenance, and facilitate his affairs, and protect his strength.
Did not fast during Ramadhaan for 4 years
I inform your excellency that I started my menses when I was young – approximately 13 years of age. And [thereafter] for 4 years the month of Ramadhaan passed by and I did not fast…
Careless in making-up missed days of fasting
I was careless in making-up some of the days which I was required to fast from the previous [month of] Ramadhaan until the arrival of the following month [of Ramadhaan]; so what am I [now] required to do?
Ponder for a moment
Ponder [for a moment]. How many of your friends have passed away?
When the sins decrease
[Regarding] the heart, when it’s sins decrease, it’s tears will hasten.
Repent and turn back to Allaah
So whoever commits [a deed] which Allaah and His Messenger have forbidden, has harmed his religion; and he must remedy this harm by repentance and turning back [to Allaah].
When the servant of Allaah commits a sin
Peace be upon you; [and] to proceed: Certainly, when the servant [of Allaah] commits a sin, he causes Allaah to detest him, and when he causes Allaah to detest him, He causes him to be detested by His servants.