Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez ibn Baaz said: So my sincere advice to every believer – male and female – is to humble themselves to Allaah (’Azza wa Jall) and to pray to Him with devotion and sincerity for him to reach this noble month and to aid him in his fasting […]
Tag: repentance
The meaning and conditions of repentance
[Please] talk to us about at-towbah (repentance), and what its conditions are; and what is the [true] meaning of at-towbah an-nasooh?
Earthquakes are increasing
Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan said: Earthquakes are increasing [in frequency]. [And] زَلَازِل is the plural of زِلْزَال – and refuge is sought in Allaah [from their harm]. And it is the movement of the earth. Allaah has made the earth a firm abode, and has anchored it with mountains so […]
The feeling of pleasure when abandoning sin
Rather, the believer indeed finds in himself and his heart [a feeling of] pleasure when he abandons [something which is] prohibited…
Beware of sudden death
Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan said: Towards the end of time – and pay attention to this – [towards] the end of time, sudden death will increase. You are in good health and strength, and in [the prime of] youth, then suddenly you die; either in a car accident, or a […]
A reminder for the believer
During hardship, the believer is commanded with patience and acceptance, and when [having committed] sins, to seek forgiveness and repentance.
From the signs of a relapse in eemaan
From the signs of a relapse [in your eemaan] is that…
Seek repentance, regularly
It is not befitting for the believer to begin the day or the evening except in a state of repentance, for indeed he does not know when death may strike – [whether] in the morning or the evening.
From the greatest of calamities to befall a man
From the greatest of calamities to befall a man is that he knows of a shortcoming in himself…
We are all sinful
We are all sinful, and we wash our hearts [of them] with the ‘soap’ of repentance.