The Saudi people are amongst the best of nations in knowing tawheed, and preserving the Saudi land is a matter of great necessity.
Tag: religion
The problem however, is…
It is not a problem that some of the Muslims today are ignorant about their religion, because this [condition] can be treated (rectified) with knowledge…
Seeking aid with khashyah in Allaah
It used to be said the believer has never sought aid in his religion with [anything] like khashyah of Allaah.
Behave yourself!
You must protect [your religion and your homeland from any such ridicule], and behave yourself.
When someone does you a favour or a good turn
Whoever does you [a favour or] a good turn, particularly in terms of your religion, and [offering you sincere] advice, and encouraging you upon good and discouraging you against that which is bad, then [all of] this necessitates that you should love [and respect] them.
Repent and turn back to Allaah
So whoever commits [a deed] which Allaah and His Messenger have forbidden, has harmed his religion; and he must remedy this harm by repentance and turning back [to Allaah].
A believer will never be complete until…
A believer will never be complete until he prefers his religion over his desires, and he will never perish until he prefers his desires over his religion.
With good manner and kind words
From the correct understanding and etiquette of honouring our parents and being dutiful to them is, with good manner and kind words, teach them what they do not know…
Have you seen a jurist with your own eyes?
I asked al-Hasan al-Basree about something, and said [to him]: The jurists are saying such-and-such.
Engaging in Da’wah activities
How should the Muslim engage in inviting [da’wah] to Islaam? And what is the best way to undertake da’wah [activities]?