My advice to the students of knowledge everywhere is to stand [firm] in a single line behind the[ir] Muslim leaders with respect to the precautionary measures [they have introduced] to deal with the Coronavirus pandemic.
Tag: religion
Provision is solely in the Hand of Allaah
[Regarding] the dunya [of the believer], if it is lost [in the Path of Allaah], then Allaah will compensate for it…
Positive determination
Whoever does not possess a determination for [anything] other than [fulfilling the desires of] his stomach and his private parts, then he is considered from amongst the beasts…
The blessing of eemaan and intellect
After [being blessed with] eemaan, the worshipper [of Allaah] has not been blessed with anything better than intellect.
The one who safeguards himself the most
The one who safeguards himself the most, is the one who protects his tongue the most [from false and idle speech]…
The religion will disappear a Sunnah at a time
…[so] the religion will disappear a Sunnah at a time, just as a rope loses its strength little by little.
No honour except with Islaam
And if we lose it, then we have lost ourselves and incurred the Anger of Allaah.
Remaining silent about falsehood
If the people remain silent about falsehood, the truth will disappear…
In recognition of their service to Islaam
After he finished working at al-Jaami’ah al-Islaamiyyah [in Madeenah], Saudi Arabia [continued to] pay al-‘Allaamah al-Albaanee a salary for the rest of his life.
It’s an honour
When Shaykh Saalih Aal ash-Shaykh was asked about when someone asks me, and says to me “you’re a Salafi”, how should I respond to him?