After the death of my father, there ensued a financial disagreement between me and my brother; this disagreement has [now] continued [between us] for [many] years. So, I sought refuge [in Allaah] from Shaytaan the accursed, and began to telephone him and show kindness to him, but he does not reciprocate. I [also] began to visit him with my children to initiate an air of politeness [between us], but he does not let us in[to his house]. So what should my position [now] be [towards my brother], as I feel pain [at our deteriorating state of affairs] O noble Shaykh, since my father and mother have [both] passed away?
Tag: reconcile
Lying for the sake of Da’wah
Is it permissible to lie for the sake of da’wah to Allaah?
Reflect on what we want to share before sharing
Reference: إذا كان هناك نزاع بين طرفين فمن الخطأ والإثم أن ترسل لأي طرف ما قاله الآخر، أو تخبره بقوله، لأنه ربما كان في ذلك من زيادة الشقة والفراق والنزاع بينهما، لذا فلنتأمل ما نريد إرساله قبل الإرسال، فإن كانت هنالك مصلحة متحققة بإذن الله فأرسل وأخبر، وإلا فدع. — أ.د. عاصم القريوتي Prof […]
Lying without intending to lie
Is lying without intending [to lie] prohibited?