An elderly man who has lost his memory, has suffered a stroke and lost his sense of touch; so is he required to fast or not?
Tag: ramadhaan
Women attending the Taraaweeh prayer
What is the ruling regarding women attending the taraaweeh [prayer]? And what is best [for them] in that regard?
The origin of the Taraaweeh prayer
What has the taraaweeh [تراويح] prayer been named as such; what is the origin behind it?
On the occasion of the middle ten days of Ramadhaan
[O] noble Shaykh, what are your words [of advice] as we welcome the middle ten days of the blessed [month] of Ramadhaan?
From the etiquettes of fasting
We would like an explanation about some of the recommended etiquettes of fasting, so we can benefit [by putting them into practice].
Advice to the Muslim woman for Ramadhaan
The Muslim woman generally spends most of her time in the kitchen, busy preparing various types of food, so [as a result] she misses out on taking advantage of the time during the month of Ramadhaan [to increase in the worship of Allaah]. So do you have any advice for the Muslim woman [in this regard]?
Careless in making-up missed days of fasting
I was careless in making-up some of the days which I was required to fast from the previous [month of] Ramadhaan until the arrival of the following month [of Ramadhaan]; so what am I [now] required to do?
A serious and prolonged illness prevented him from fasting
A man died, leaving a son. He did not fast the month of Ramadhaan due to a legislated (acceptable) reason.
He does not pray, but fasts during Ramadhaan
What is the ruling regarding the one who fasts [the month of] Ramadhaan, whilst he has abandoned the prayer?
When to encourage young children to fast
When are the young children required to fast?