New moon of Ramadhaan not sighted. Official announcement of the High Judiciary Council of Saudi Arabia re: 1st day of #Ramadhaan 1439 = Thursday 17 May 2018 to follow, in shaa.-Allaah… #ramadhan #ramadan — FatwaOnline | eFatwa (@eFatwa) May 15, 2018
Tag: ramadhaan
Sighting the new moon of Ramadhaan 1439 – High Judiciary Council of Saudi Arabia
Just a short time ago, Fatwa-Online was informed of the official announcement of the High Judiciary Council of Saudi Arabia, inviting local Muslims to search for the new moon of Ramadhaan 1439, this Tuesday evening, 29 Sha’baan (15 May, 2018) – in accordance with the hadeeth of the Messenger of Allaah ﷺ: «Fast when you […]
How much Qur.aan to read during Ramadhaan
How many parts of the Qur.aan can a Muslim read in a day during Ramadhaan?
Only praying during Ramadhaan
We see many people who only pray during Ramadhaan, and when Ramadhaan ends, they abandon the masaajid. So what do you say to these people [O] noble Shaykh, and may Allaah reward you with good?
Did not fast during Ramadhaan for 4 years
I inform your excellency that I started my menses when I was young – approximately 13 years of age. And [thereafter] for 4 years the month of Ramadhaan passed by and I did not fast…
When are you excused from fasting whilst travelling?
If a person travelled [during Ramadhaan] for pleasure or other than that, is he excused from fasting? And what are the conditions for travel [during Ramadhaan] which would excuse one from fasting?
The pregnant and breastfeeding woman in Ramadhaan
Is the pregnant woman and the breastfeeding woman required to make-up the fast [of the days missed in Ramadhaan] if they did not fast out of fear for their [unborn and breastfeeding] child?
The fast of the one who has lost his memory
An elderly man who has lost his memory, has suffered a stroke and lost his sense of touch; so is he required to fast or not?
Women attending the Taraaweeh prayer
What is the ruling regarding women attending the taraaweeh [prayer]? And what is best [for them] in that regard?
The origin of the Taraaweeh prayer
What has the taraaweeh [تراويح] prayer been named as such; what is the origin behind it?