Whoever breaks his fast or is unable to fast during Ramadhaan due to an Islaamically permissible reason, then he is required to make up for this day.
Tag: ramadhaan
The hadeeth of Salmaan
Indeed these words are a lie attributed to the Messenger ﷺ, and whoever attributes a lie to the Messenger will find his seat in the Hell Fire…
Establishing the beginning of the lunar month
How is the [beginning of the] month of Ramadhaan established?
Impermissibility of fasting on the day of doubt [يوم الشك]
What is the day of doubt [يوم الشك]? And is it permissible to fast on this day?
Not praying throughout the year until Ramadhaan
We notice some of the Muslims neglecting their prayers throughout the months of the year, and when Ramadhaan arrives they hasten to [perform] the prayers and the fasting and reciting the Qur.aan…
Establishing the beginning of the lunar month
What is the method by which the beginning of the lunar month is established?