Whoever fasts a day which he is required to make up [from Ramadhaan], is he then allowed to break the fast? And likewise, if he was fasting a voluntary fast?
Tag: ramadhaan
Making up the missed fasts consecutively
Whoever missed some fasts during Ramadhaan due to a[n Islaamically] valid reason, then is he required to make up the [missed] fasts consecutively, or is it permissible for him to split them up?
Making up missed fasts of Ramadhaan on Thursday and Friday
Is it permissible to make up missed fasts of Ramadhaan on Thursday and Friday or not?
Splitting up fasts to be made up from last Ramadhaan
A man has fasts from Ramadhaan to make up, [so] is it permissible for him to split the fasts up [rather than fast them all consecutively]?
Transferring the Zakaatul-Fitr overseas
What is the ruling regarding transferring the Zakaatul-Fitr overseas, with the justification there are a lot of poor and needy [Muslims over there]?
Extracting the Zakaatul-Fitr during the first ten days of Ramadhaan
[What is the ruling] regarding extracting the Zakaatul-Fitr during the first ten days of Ramadhaan?
Playing around with his wife
A man was playing around with his wife during the day in Ramadhaan; this progressed to kissing and passionate foreplay between her thighs and the subsequent ejaculation of pre-seminal fluid and not semen. So is his fast invalidated by that?
Every three days during Ramadhaan
It was narrated about Qataadah, that he would complete [the recitation of] the [entire] Qur.aan every seven [days], and [likewise] do so every three [days] during Ramadhaan.
Telescopes and sighting the new moon
Is it permissible for the Muslim to use a telescope in sighting the crescent?
The obligation of the fast of Ramadhaan and it’s time
It’s obligation is indicated in the Qur.aan, the Sunnah and al-ijmaa’ (major consensus)